Trailblazers & Inspirations
11 days ago
A Reflection for Women's History Month.
Now more than ever, I think we need to spread more light ...

What Black Friday Means to Us
Black Friday . . . As a consumer, it’s a great time to find deals, save money, and kick off holid...

The WHY behind our logo
We believe in intentional design, in everything we do, starting with our Logo and Brand Name.

Sweet 16, a year of growth and evolution
"When life is sweet, say thank you and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you and grow...

AAPI Month
It’s Asian-American Pacific Islander Heritage Month and I was thinking about what it means to me ...

Happy International Womens Month!
This year's theme for International Womens month is INSPIRE INCLUSION - “When we inspire others t...

Pushing the Boundaries of Personal Style
I was talking to some friends the other day and we were discussing age - how we feel vs. what the...

What 2023 has taught me . . .
Every year, right when December starts, I feel a sense of anxiousness wash over me. Did I do enou...

Rotation around the Sun . . .
The longer we live, the more beautiful life becomes.
I think aging gets a bad rap, especially for...

Celebrating Gratitude: Your Support Makes Us Stronger
In this video, Allison thanks you all for your unwavering support throughout the years.

Your Permission Slip to Self Appreciation
In this video Allison shares how important it is to give yourself permission to stand firm in yo...

Aging With Grace, Raising With Love
So many of you reached out after I shared my last blog “As we age…” that it got me thinking… How ...

As We Age...
I was talking to my team the other day about how they connect to the brand. Mind you most of my ...

Looking Back...
I’ve been in denial a little… As I embark on my 15th year in business, I honestly can't believ...

Domo arigato gozaimasu
I love planning events and with our 15th anniversary coming up, the team and I began working on h...

Happy Father's Day
My father is an entrepreneur. He’s started more businesses than anyone I know. We had a travel ag...

Dressing For a Petite Body
Shopping can sometimes be overwhelming—so many choices with so little information. As a shorter w...

Happy Anniversary: Our one year in Manoa
I love celebrating milestones . . . for other people. I rarely take the time to give myself a pat...

Behind the scenes of a Sale
When I first started this business, I approached it solely from the perspective of a fashion desi...

Asian American Pacific Islander Month
I’ve never thought too much about being of Japanese descent. Growing up in Hawaii, it was common ...

Being a Mother: "Do as I do"
I’d normally start this blog off with something like - ‘being a mother is one of the hardest jobs...

The Surrender Mindset
I always find it fascinating when things align. It tends to happen when I surrender and loosen m...

In this new phase of my life, I realized that culturally I was taught to step out of the spotligh...

There are days when I realize that there is more to my job and my purpose than just making clothi...

The why behind A. IZU
As I get older, I'm finding myself wanting to challenge myself more - to live outside of the cons...

Breaking the guidelines of others
As some of you know, I've been on a journey of self discovery. Call it my 40's, my mid-life crisi...

The destination is the same, but the purpose is bigger
You should always have a goal in mind when trying to accomplish anything. It's something that ins...

Shifting my mindset during this renovation
Renovations are always hard - you have to put up with the usual unexpected costs and delays. Sinc...

Coming Back to Manoa
When the decision was made to move out of Ala Moana Center, I had no idea where we would go ne...

One of the toughest jobs . . . Motherhood
Being a mom is one of the hardest yet most rewarding jobs . . . I didn't know coming into motherh...

Self-realizations and the tools that guide me through them
Hi there!
Thank you for joining me on my personal journey of growth and self-discovery. I am grat...

Finding My Joy
When I first started designing in 2007, I wanted to create clothing that stood for something - t...
A Message From Allison
I want to start off first by saying THANK YOU for being such an integral part of our journey at ...

The Move - Part 1
I like to joke that "change" is my middle name. I've become so accustomed to change, that it can...

A Petite Perspective
I was destined to be short . . . thats what I tell myself. My sister is 5'6" and I am barely 5'2...
Blog posts

Travel Essentials
I’ve definitely evolved as a traveler. As a daughter of a former travel agent, I was raised to be...

Meet Our Friends
Introducing our partner vendors for our JCCH event! We are so excited to announce that Mohala Eye...