The foundation of Allison Izu
Our 4 Pillars are the guiding principles of our brand -- they remind us of what we do and why. Take a deep dive into the why behind our company below.

Pillar 1
We aim to empower every person we interact with, from our team, to our customers and friends - we hope that we can support you to feel more confident in the way you show up. That could mean something like a great top that makes you feel beautiful or a blog post that you connect with. It is our goal to emphasize that, as women, we all worthy to be seen, heard and valued.

Pillar 2
Our brand serves as a connection point between all of us. In every part of the process, we are constantly thinking of you. We want your experience of this brand to feel authentic and purposeful. From our choices of colors and prints, to the intentional way we design to support your life, we want you to feel as if you are with us every step of the way.

Pillar 3
As women, we know its difficult to accept each and every part of us. We want to openly share our own personal journey of self-acceptance, in the hopes that it could support you through your journey. We design clothing that encourages self acceptance so you can love your whole unique self, in every stage of your life!

Pillar 4
We feel that our goal in life is to live with joy and vibrancy. We know that we can contribute to this with design- through beautiful colors, textures and styles. Each piece can support you in the story you want to tell people and yourself. Our wish is that clothing becomes fun and playful, to inspire you to try new things and live your life fully.
Follow Our Journey

Trailblazers & Inspirations

What Black Friday Means to Us