Reflections from Ashley, Allison Izu's Brand Manager

Some of you may know me, some may not but I wanted to pop in and say “thank you so much” for all the support you’ve continued to show us. My name is Ashley and I’m the Brand Manager at Allison Izu. This month we’re celebrating the Season of Giving and I wanted to let you know how much you’ve given me while working here. It’s been a pleasure getting to know all of you. Some of you I only know by your name when I see your online order, some of you I know by face when I see you in the Showroom. Either way, I feel connected to you because we share a love for this brand and the designs Allison creates.
I’ll be embarking on my 4th holiday season at Allison Izu and I’m looking forward to it even more than years past. I say this because I feel like I’ve hit a new level of being comfortable in my body. And I mean that physically, mentally, and spiritually. I’ve struggled with my weight since small kid time. I have vivid memories of having to go on the scale every morning to weigh myself in front of family mem to make sure I wasn’t getting heavier. And there’s been a lot of processing and healing that’s happened to get me where I am today.
It’s been over 20 years since I’ve been able to look in the mirror and say kind things to myself. Part of it came from the personal work I’ve been doing but another factor that helped expedite the healing is the clothes that I’ve had the privilege of working with here. The designs Allison creates have helped me to heal and be comfortable with parts of my body I don’t like, now - not when I’m 20 lbs lighter. And it’s given me the confidence and motivation to keep going on my path of healing.
If you’ve shopped with us since our days at Ala Moana, you probably heard the team referring to me as the “Becca Club President” LOL! I swear Allison designed that top with me in mind because it was the perfect top and only top I wore. The body and sleeves were wide enough that it didn’t cling to my fluffy parts. The curved hem provided front and back coverage while giving the illusion that my legs were long and lean. The v-neck and bust darts provide shape in the right areas and hid the parts I didn’t like. I loved the Becca Top so much that I had every color and print Allison made since I started working here.
Through the years, I’ve learned so much about styling, how clothing design works, and why Allison makes certain style decisions. And it’s helped me to find more things that work for my body shape now. I would never wear shorter tops because I was so self conscious of my stomach and “fupa.” But with the right fit, right bottoms, and how I learned to style it, I LOVE our new Emi and Lara Tops.
I feel a little guilty saying this but now I don’t have every color/print we make in Becca. But it’s because I’ve found the same level of confidence in wearing other styles.
So if you see me working in the Showroom this holiday season and need a little help finding “your Becca”, let me know! I want all of us to be able to look ourselves in the mirror at least once and say with confidence and kindness “Damn, I look good today!”
PS: I still really love our Becca Top. She holds a special place in my heart.
Ashley —
Hi Susan! So glad to hear you’ve arrived at a similar mindset and it doesn’t matter what age you are. I think the important thing is you got their on your own time. That’s the beauty of it.
PS: That’s a really good question I’ll have to ask her during our next Design Team meeting!
Ashley —
Hi Noelani! Thank you for your sweet words. It means a lot to me.
G. Noelani Wilcox —
Mahalo, Ashley for being so up lifting. Your story provides me (and I’m sure others) with a pathway of self-healing, and acceptance of body parts regardless of size. Yes, Allison’s style acumen enhances my acceptance of my body because I want to look good whether I’m working out, cleaning house or going to dinner.
Susan Tokuhama —
Ashley: Thanks for sharing your story! I think I’ve arrived at a similar mindset but it’s more due to my age. At 70, this is the way I’m going to be, with naturally white hair and 40 lbs more than my high school weight. But, for sure, I am savoring life and the many blessings that have come along the way. All the best to you as you continue on with your life. Aloha, Susan
P.S. Has Allison considered designing skorts? I’m loving these for slightly more than casual shorts wear. More coverage (not as revealing for the chubby thighs) but still chic.